Okay, the site is no longer ugly. It's just boring. Progress is progress people. Try to be more like me and focus on the positive.

Aug 28, 2006

tried and true

Well I guess no one really liked the "lies" of my previous email because I didn't get any comments. And don't we all judge out success by the number of comments we can generate? So we'll go back to the tried and true, where I'm "honest" and what not.

It's such a rainy day here. I want to crawl back into bed and listen to it rain on the roof of my apartment. BUT truth be told, I'd like to be in bed whether it's raining or not. It seemed especially hard to drag my butt out of bed today. It's so creepy when I look out my wall of windows and see such a gloomy scene. I swear it looks like evening out there. Nothing makes the day seem longer than everlasting evening.

I have a new obsession to add to my list. There is an expansion pack to the game I play all the time. The Sims2. Okay I don't play all the time, but I get re-addicted to it every few months. Well they've set a vague release date of "fall" for their pets addition to the game. All last week I re-rechecked their website for a firmer date than "fall," but couldn't find much other than some people speculating on message boards. So each day I check. I'm such loser... I know you don't have to say it.

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