Okay, the site is no longer ugly. It's just boring. Progress is progress people. Try to be more like me and focus on the positive.

Jun 27, 2006

mixed emotions

Well, today was my birthday. I really have had some mixed up emotions today. I enjoyed getting my way all day - I had Starbucks for breakfast and Cheesecake Factory for dinner, and I listened to up beat songs on the ol'ipod and bossed my hubby around. But I've been sad too. There was a death in my family over the weekend. It's really weighing heavy on my mind. It's so odd that all day I had this terrible sadness sitting next to the joy of being alive. After all, isn't that what birthday is? It's a celebration of life. So I mourned and I celebrated. A very confusing grown-up birthday. And I won't even get into the age thing! I'm not excited to be a year older either. Maybe if I were in a different place in life, I'd be fine with it. But I don't have my career going again, I don't own a home or have a baby on the way. I feel like I'm behind schedule. I'm working on it though so I don't have any regrets. What a weird day - good thing it only comes once a year.


Zegi said...

You are making progress towards your goals and that is just as important reaching them. Life is a privilege and you aren't wasting it. I think your g.a. would be proud.

Zegi said...

I forgot to say Happy Birthday!!!

neonapple said...

I am sorry you had to deal with ucky stuff on your birthday. It was a strange week of all of us - your birthday however did help me be excited though to get over the loss. Just think about how much better prepared emotionally and otherwise you will be when all the scary stuff like babies and houses starts up - you aren't that far behind - you are comin' up fast!