Okay, the site is no longer ugly. It's just boring. Progress is progress people. Try to be more like me and focus on the positive.

Jun 12, 2006

count down

On Wednesday, I start my internship. Yikes! I hope my Beacon wardrobe holds up because I couldn't really invest in a new wardrobe. I did drag myself out an buy some new pants. It seems to me that you can get away with a lot if you at least have good pants. I mean all girls want good shoes, but if your pants suck no one keeps looking down to notice. All you see are the bad pants. Now I want to be clear, I'm not putting down a good shirt either. In fact a good shirt is almost as important as the pants - just not AS important.

Back to my point though... (if I have one that is) and my point is that I had to go shopping. I hate shopping. To be more specific I believe that I hate the malls. Outdoor shopping seems just fine to me, but indoor malls make me nervous. I feel like I never park in the right place, and get a feeling of being trapped. The air is stuffy and the interiors are too beige. I usually come home more stressed after shopping at a mall... But in the end I was victorious. I got the new pants and got the hell outta there. Now all I need to do is start the darn job. With my luck, everyone will be wearing jeans and t-shirts and I will have wasted my time and money. BUT that would be fine if I could just wear my jeans and t-shirts since those items make up over 85% of my current wardrobe already.


VJ said...

We need to spend more time together shopping. Because we are now watching our money, shopping is considered a special treat, like an ice cream cone. You should think of it as a game. When you graduate I'l enter you in "What not to wear".

I agree that shopping at an outdoor mall is much nicer than being inside. It is actually a shame that we have to try things on or we could just shop on line all the time and then never have to deal with the mall.

logoANN said...

I think you could nominate me for What Not to Wear right now! That'd be fine by me. Too bad you're such a snappy dresser, or I could nominate you...

neonapple said...

Good luck on the new job today! I am sure your pants are fine! You should post the "What not to Wear link here so people could nominate you.