Okay, the site is no longer ugly. It's just boring. Progress is progress people. Try to be more like me and focus on the positive.

May 1, 2006

waves of apathy

What a lazy student I am. I can't even update this blog more than once a week now. I could make the time, I suppose. I'm letting down the "fans." I've been reading too much and playing video games too much. I'm not focusing on my school work very much. I'm doing well in my classes, but I feel guilt and stress because I'm doing stuff at the last minute. This week a wave of apathy has struck me big time. There I was progressing through the quarter very well. I was doing my homework on time or early and I was looking into internships. Now I've let everything slip. I haven't applied for any internships besides one. I need to get a grip!

I can't wait for this quarter to be over so I can just work! To have evenings and weekends guilt free! Oh, I can't wait.


1 comment:

VJ said...

So, when you worked full time, you never thought about work while not at work?
I think about work and sometimes even have to do work at home, outside of the 8-5 shift.
Sometimes I day dream about being back in school full time, to have nothing pressing except school projects.
Isn't there a saying about the grass always being greener on the other side?