Okay, the site is no longer ugly. It's just boring. Progress is progress people. Try to be more like me and focus on the positive.

Apr 12, 2006

that sick feeling & republicans

I skipped my persuasive writing class on Monday... Man, oh, man do I wish I'd skipped today's instead. At the end of the term, I'm going to have to give a persuasive speech to the class. Fine, I understand; it was on the syllabus. Today though, the t.a. had us get up and give impromptu speeches on general topics so we could get used to getting up in front of the class. WHAT! I hate that. I hate it, hate, hate, hate it. Not only did I have to get up in front of everyone, but I felt unprepared as well. I had to give a 1-2 minute persuasive speech on the topic of trying to get everyone in the room to "buckle up their seat belt every time they get in the car." The topic was fine enough. It could have been worse, I could have drawn persuade the class "to eat tofu" or "buy Nascar tickets." I just hate that sick feeling I get when I stand in front of people to give a speech. I tried to give myself a little pep talk, but I found my heart was just racing while I was up there. Before I began I took a deep breath and told myself to relax, but it didn't slow the chest pounding down any. Bleh. I hate giving speeches.

(To Paul: Let's try to watch what we say about democrats now. In case you forgot, I'm one. We may or may not be flaky, but at least we try to see the world from more than one perspective. I don't make comments about republicans hiding behind the shield of religion as they try to take away my civil liberties, now do I... No, I don't.)

Wow, my blog got controversial all of a sudden. Please know that I don't mean any offense to anyone. I usually keep my political feeling to myself unless provoked.


neonapple said...

I don't know what republicans have to do with a persuasive speech on buckling your seatbelt but if we need to blame the accident rate of non-seatbelted drivers on them, I guess we can find a way to make that persuasive.

I also don't think it would take very much persuasion to argue the point of republicans raping our environment to aid the big nasty greedy oil companies (think about that evey time you fill up your gas tank and thank Mr. Bush!)- or the fact that they want to take away a woman's right to choose, which will send us into the dark ages of young women seeking out unsafe medical procedures in risky conditions in back alleys - but I digress. What was the blog topic again? . . .

VJ said...

Now, now I think we should all play nice. I think there are many issues that we can talk about without name calling.

logoANN said...

VJ I totally agree. Just remember to tell Paul that....

logoANN said...

Okay, I reread Paul comment on the last page he says it's the "conservative talk show hosts" who call democrats flaky. But why bring it up unless you agree?... hmmm. Paul, you're one tough nut to crack. Was I being insulted? You make it so darn hard to tell...