Okay, the site is no longer ugly. It's just boring. Progress is progress people. Try to be more like me and focus on the positive.

Jan 5, 2006

so sleepy...

Morning all.

I spent another night hunched over my drafting table. I'm handing in my design school appliation on Friday morning. It's officialy 'crunch' time. I had a very successful night, but I stayed up so late. I could fall asleep over this keyboard right now. I can't though. It not professional, and if you know me, I'm always professional at work. (If you can't read the sarcasm in here I'm more tired than I thought.) Then I have hours and hours of classes before coming back to work later in the day. In other words, I don't get no nap.

The application is looking good though for those of you interested. Well it looks better than I thought it would anyways. Last night I illustrated 9 of 12 panels of "How to Change a Tire." I'm not the best with illustration so I was the most worried about this series of drawings. It's not too bad though. Maybe I will have a future in college. BUT I shouldn't start patting myself on the back to hard. I mean no one is picking me and toting me around on their shoulders. (You know you haven't acheived greatness until people are willing to do that.)

Well I have class in a half an hour. I need to go buy some caffeine.


Zegi said...

Hope the caffeine works. I'm sure the pictures are at least worthy of someone doing a cartwheel.

VJ said...

So, your habits haven't changes all that much over the years? I remember you staying awake, pulling all nighters. Good to know some things stay constant. I am sure whatever your drawings look like they are much better than hotdog people!