Okay, the site is no longer ugly. It's just boring. Progress is progress people. Try to be more like me and focus on the positive.

Jan 18, 2006

oh crap! that's great....

Good news everyone. I was called in for an interview for the design school. I didn't know interviews were a part of the process, but the woman who called me yesterday said that it was a good thing. From what I understand if I didn't have an interview, a rejection letter would be on its way to my house. So it's good news. However, as you well know, good news always comes with some bad in my mind. Now I'm obsessing about this interview. What to wear, what to say, how to be? It's only 15 minutes but it's with a committee. I could handle a one on one, but a committee! eeeek. Wish me luck I have to figure out how to keep from going crazy until Friday at 9:45am.

On another topic, I made some great strides with my first curtain panel last night. After some issues with the bobbin wanting to jam, I was able to apply the dark strip of fabric to the bottom. I was very worried about this step because I didn't want it to look stupid and lumpy. But I think I pulled it off. Now I have to take in one of the sides and figure out how to make a pocket at the top for the rod. I'm trying to decide if I should have the fabric gather above the rod or just make a very simple pocket and call it a day. We'll see what I'm in the mood for tonight.


VJ said...

As for your interview one sage piece of advice (I only say this because I love you and know you) Don't be late!! Get there 10 minutes early that will give you time to calm down from the walk and organize your thoughts. Interivews with committees aren't bad, remember to look at them all when you are answering their questions. Give your full attention to the one asking the question.
You probably want to wear some nice pants and a bright sweater. This really ins't a suit interview, atleast I don't think so.
You'll be great!

neonapple said...

You will be great - and you think I worry too much! They will love you and your work!

I agree with V's advise. Get there early and stop worrying!

I can't wait to hear how it goes

Zegi said...

So how'd it go? I missed this post yesterday! Damn that trip to Marc's!