Okay, the site is no longer ugly. It's just boring. Progress is progress people. Try to be more like me and focus on the positive.

Jan 19, 2006

7 minutes in heaven

I have seven minutes before my next class begins. As a gift to you my audience, I will devote this precious free time to you.

I was bad today. I called off sick from work this morning. In my defense, I was feeling a little off. However, I'm sure I could have dragged my lazy butt in. It won't be a total bust of a day. I'll go in after my classes. After all, I am still a poor student at the end of the day. It felt so good to lounge a bit before coming in to school today. I'm always rushing around with no time between things so today was a nice departure.

I'm sitting in my photoshop/flash course, and I have 4 minutes left to hang out with you. I'll give you a little project update. I'm guessing you're sick of hearing about my projects, but I don't have all that much else to talk about today so you'll just have to suck it up and take it like a man. My curtains are going really well. I have to create the pocket at the top of my first panel and then that first panel will be done. I'll take pictures tonight if I get it done. I'm excited, but I know it's only the first of a four panels to be made. As far as pottery goes, I've made a few more little bowl type things. I'm going to make one or two more tonight and try to 'slip glaze' a few of the ones I made yesterday. My teacher is going to fire our stuff in the kiln on Wednesday so I need to get as much done as I can.

One minute, but maybe the T.A. will start class a little late. Who knows? This is a sweet computer I'm working on. It's a G5 Mac with a sweet flat panel monitor. I wish we had one of these for home. The ol' eMac can't quite compete. Okay I better go. The T.A. is calling roll. I hate it when they take attendance in college because it feels like elementary school all of a sudden.

I hope your day goes well.

1 comment:

Zegi said...

Sorry your seven minutes went by so fast. Are you feeling better?