Okay, the site is no longer ugly. It's just boring. Progress is progress people. Try to be more like me and focus on the positive.

Mar 22, 2007

she did it and I helped

He's here! He's arrived. It's time to get the party started. Neonapple delivered her baby nearly a month early. But all is well and he is doing just fine, thank you very much. I've not been given permission to post his name, but all of you in the know already know anywayz so no complaining...

The new family is quite tired and Neonapple and her husband and trying to find a new balance still in their new family. I guess each new family has to reinvent the wheel on that one. I have some pics below.

They say childbirth is the most forgettable pain. I just hope I can forget all that I saw too!

Have a good one people....

1 comment:

Zegi said...

Very cute! Congratulations, auntie!