Okay, the site is no longer ugly. It's just boring. Progress is progress people. Try to be more like me and focus on the positive.

Oct 31, 2006

happy halloween

I wish I had a costume today. While I haven't really had the time or the creative energy to work on one, I wish I had made one. Heck, I wish I'd gotten the ol'Halloween decorations out. I haven't even done that. Really the only celebratory thing I've done this year is eat too much chocolate already. Which isn't a necessarily good thing... It's raining today. I hope it doesn't last too long so that the kiddies won't have to trek thru it. The best Halloweens were when it was cold enough that the leaves were falling, dry enough to cut through yards and warm enough not to have to wear a dumb winter coat. How many great costumes are ruined by a winter coat!? too many, that's what I say.

At work today there was a costume party. I thought the best costume was this guy who came as a bartender. He wore a tuxedo shirt and bowtie. But the best part was that he BUILT a portable bar for himself to stand behind. It was complete with a mirror behind and the bar and attached stools in the front. It was quite elaborate. The other costume I liked this year was some kid who wore an Optimus Prime costume. He clearly made it himself. I was quite impressed with that as well. Maybe next year I can be Optimus Prime?


Zegi said...

One of the most clever costumes I remember is someone dressed as the unibomber. A hoodie & sunglasses and you're done.

neonapple said...

I am still a fan of the old plastic contume suits and masks with the rubberband in the back. Ya know the kind where your breath fogs up the mask and you have to lift up your mask between houses.