Okay, the site is no longer ugly. It's just boring. Progress is progress people. Try to be more like me and focus on the positive.

Apr 3, 2006

mining for gold

OH, my GOD! I'm sitting in my photoshop class and this guy across from me can't get his finger out of his nose. He's been mining for gold the whole class! Oh, he's trying to be subtle, but it's so obvious he's picking! I am so grossed out right now. You'd think by this time he'd either find what he's looking for or give up!

1 comment:

Paul-cant-dance said...

and so you wonder... 'do I need to start bringing sani-wipes to class and wipe down the keyboard and mouse before I use it?' Finger to nose to keyboard to mouse to nose to mouse to nose to under desk.... yeah, you don't know what the person at your computer in the class(es) before yours does.