Okay, the site is no longer ugly. It's just boring. Progress is progress people. Try to be more like me and focus on the positive.

Feb 16, 2006

what a great dilemma

Well my annimation is done. As soon as I figure out how to deliver it to my fans I will post it or link to it or something on this page.

I have a very strange dilemma. I have some free time coming up. Now sure I could use this time to get ahead of my school work, but that's just not the college student way. I am trying to figure out how to divide up some time between friends, family and of coarse Brian. I won't be able to see everyone, but I'd love to see some friends.

My whole goal today is to work in a nap. I am debating leaving my communications class early to go to the library to catch some zzz's before going to work. This is out of desperation to be sure. I've been up late night and been quite stressed about the before mentioned animation. Plus I'm hungry. Sometimes there aren't enough hours in the day and sometimes there are too many....

1 comment:

Zegi said...

I've noticed the time discrepancy as well. What is up with that?