Okay, the site is no longer ugly. It's just boring. Progress is progress people. Try to be more like me and focus on the positive.

Jan 8, 2007

*cough* & *snifle*

Back in the saddle. School is back on. I'm already feeling behind.

If all goes well I should graduate this Spring or at the latest Summer. (If I'm really close to graduating, I'll suffer through some summer classes I suppose.) But until then, it's the grind for me.

I'll write more later, class is starting and that clickety noise of the keyboard might come across a little rude to the instructor...


VJ said...

I must admit that when I am teaching and the students should be listening and I hear the "tap tap tap" I actually get pretty pissed off. I normally make a general comment about how everybody should be paying attention, it that doesn't stop it, I will actually stop teaching until they stop typing. Am I mean?

Zegi said...

So you are homing in on the goal! Hurray!

And no VJ, that is not mean. If they are unable to not pay attention in their own heads than they need some help in the creative department.

Sketchscape said...

What? How can students absorb all that wonderful knowledge without taking notes on their laptops...

Paul-cant-dance said...

ah, one of my favorite movies comes to mind...

Animal House

where the thin challenged ROTC kid is drawing pictures of jets attacking industry while Donald Sutherland teaches about Melville's classic novel....

"Come on guys, they pay me to teach this stuff!"