Okay, the site is no longer ugly. It's just boring. Progress is progress people. Try to be more like me and focus on the positive.

Aug 2, 2006

growing concerned

Two days until I have a houseguest. EEeek. Well the curtains wont' be done in time, that's for sure. The hubby said he'd clean the house, but he's been working a lot lately too. I think we'll focus on the critical areas of the house. Originally I wanted to clean my bedroom too, but that's out. I'll have to stick to the main rooms. Wish me luck because all I really want to do when I go home is veg out. I need some down time bad!

I'm also not getting enough sleep. My brain feels extra sluggish and I had to DRAG my butt out of bed. I was late for work, too. It's never a good day, when you open your eyes in the morning and you don't feel like you've gotten any rest.

I'm in a bit of trouble with the hubby I think. I tried to reset our computer passwords the other day. Quite frankly I'm just sick of typing it in. So I tried to make it so that the computer would just stop asking. But I must have skrewed something up for him because I was shaken awake and bruskly asked what I had done. I fixed it before I left for work which also contirbuted to the lateness. Oops. I hate all the passwords I have to remember!


VJ said...

Husbands can be so picky about the computer, I am sure there is a very long list somewhere of things I'm not supossed to do.
I'll never forget the first time paul fixed my computer, he just stared at me with such a look of amazement on his face that I wasn't concerned about my computer. So I guess my computer wasn't supossed to make noises from "the grinch who stole christmas"

Paul-cant-dance said...

or any other Disney movie.

logoANN said...

Did it break out into song?